Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Writing like Dr. Seuss!!

We spent the month of March studying the writing styles of Dr. Seuss helping us to make the Reading-Writing connection. Below you will see our anchor chart of the various styles of Dr. Seuss writing as well as photos of the picture books students created. It was important that the children learned what made Dr.  Seuss enjoyable as a reader and learn to imitate that in their own writing. I provided them with a simple graphic organizer that helped them to begin planning to sound like Dr. Seuss. From their the students began planning and drafting in their Writer's Notebooks. They even had to do their own editing and revising which I fine to be hugely important! Once they were reading to publish they created it all into a large picture book. Even their illustrations had to imitate what we notice in a Dr. Seuss book. If you would like a copy of the graphic organizer children used, please just email me at or

Our Author Study board for Dr. Seuss!

As we read through a variety of Dr. Seuss books, children discovered many of the writing styles and techniques Seuss incorporates into his books. These techniques are what children based their own Dr. Seuss writing on. Many of them incorporated several of these techniques into their writing so they could imitate Seuss.

The next few photos are an example of what one child's completed Dr. Seuss book looked like. Her story actually won first place for the Southern Illinois Reading Council Short Story writing contest!!

The next several photos show my students displaying all of their Dr. Seuss books. They were a hit and incredible to read! I thought I was reading the one and only Dr. Seuss for many of them!


1 comment:

  1. Very cute project, thanks for sharing.

    Jill Tales from second
